What does your CHS PTSO Membership do?
Creekside High School PTSO’s mission is to support the entire CHS community. During the 2023-2024 school year, the PTSO supported numerous activities for the staff, students, bus drivers and PSA officers. PTSO also raised funds to help refurbish the auditorium which is on-going. PTSO thanks the families and business partners who help us improve Creekside for all those who pass through its doors.
Below is a list of some of the activities PTSO supports.

Creekside Auditorium Refresh/Upgrade (on-going)
Freshman Parent Orientation
School Tour and Ambassador Coordination
600+ Freshman Shirts and Folders
Staff Appreciation Events and Gifts Throughout the Year (200 Teachers)
Counselor Week Support
Business Partner Coordination and Donations
Bus Driver and PSA Officer Gift/Treats (3/year)
Club & ESE Support
Senior Special Events – Breakfasts, Debt Day
Homecoming Treats for All Students (2500 students)
Character Counts Awards
Bike Racks (8)
Free Transcript Service for Students
3 - $500 Senior Scholarships Awarded
Beautiful New Shade Structure for Courtyard (over $30K)
Water Filtration System for Students
Holiday treat for all students (2500 students)
Teacher Conferences
Health Clinic Supplies
Microwaves for Café
Teacher Chili Cook Off Support
LINK Crew Support
Career Fair Support
Guest Speakers
Parent Volunteer Coordination